I finished work in Anchorage, went skiing in Alyeska with Eric for the day and then headed down to Cabo last night. The skiing was amazing, it was $120 for the day for the pass and skis and at first I was pretty terrified as I hadn’t skied in forever. I couldn’t turn and was worried about falling over the edge as there were huge drop-off everywhere. But we had a couple whiskeys and that really loosened me up to try a little more turns and by the end of the day I was bombing the hills. I get why people get hooked to skiing.
Then at midnight I had to be at the airport for my flight to LA and Cabo. All in all it wasn’t terrible. I slept through most of the flights and then slept a lot on the bus ride too. Once I got to La Paz I felt pretty normal. I was able to find a bus too that took me from Cabo Airport to Aguila but station for $85 pesos and took the bus from there.