First Taste of the Ruins, Iguana Day, and Journey into Guatamala

I woke up and made the trek to the nearby mayan ruins, Cahal Pech. I trekked really hard around the ruins and was literally the only person there so I felt much more comfortable taking selfies, but I still don’t feel comfortable sharing them.

After the ruins I hiked to the “Iguana Project” to meet up with Josh and check out some green iguanas. Turns out it’s the only place that is allowed to keep iguanas in Belize. Iguanas are in danger here due to how delicious they are. People like to catch the green iguanas and grill them. Their eggs are also considered a delicacy. The sanctuary helps by finding eggs and hatching them, breeding them, and then releasing them back into the wild on the hotel’s 10 acres of land.

I’ve always thought Iguanas were cool, but now I think they’re even cooler. There were a few that actually enjoyed being pet. I always thought lizards were cold-hearted but the alpha male Gomez would close his eyes in enjoyment while being pet.

After the iguanas we packed our bags, said goodbye to the hostel owner Aldo and headed for the border. After a taxiride and getting ripped off with a shitty exchange rate we crossed into Guatamala.

Now we’re on the bus waiting to get to Flores where we’ll hopefully stay at a hostel that has a sauna and 2 bars. UPDATE made it to the hostel! This is Chris, Taron, Josh, and me at Los Amigos in Flores, Guatamala.

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