The whole day was full of wet. I woke up around 6 am and heard it pouring on the roof, I lazied around hoping for it to stop but it didn’t change one bit. So around 0930 I finally made the decision the just do it.
From the moment I left water creeped into all my clothes. I had a plastic cover but the big holes for the mirrors and the intensity of the rain made sure it got into everything no matter what.
I wanted to make it as close to the Laos border as possible but because of the rain I couldn’t drive nearly as fast and only made it about 2/3 of the way there. I stopped at a restaurant on the way where I got a coffee and relaxed for a moment. It seemed the only moment the rain stopped was when I was there enjoying my coffee, the only moment where it didn’t matter.
I went on and on and the rain got worse and worse. The water was warm and cleansing but after countless hours of flying through it on the motorbike I started to shake and get hypothermic.
There was a stretch of road though about 50 km long that winded around mountains and was one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen. Then in the low straight parts there would be villages with chickens, cows, dogs, goats and lots of farms. I just started to see some rice farms. Surely a place I wouldn’t mind retiring to.