Ride from La Paz to La Ventana – 20220209

Today I drove from La Paz to La Ventana. It’s only about a 45 minute ride to get down here. I rented an airbnb for 4 nights and my plan is to kitesurf for maybe 2 days while I’m here. The place I found charges $120 per day which seems like an alright deal to me as far as kitesurfing goes. I’m looking forward to it and hopefully it works out. Right now they haven’t responded to my message saying I wanted to rent.


I drank some coffee this morning and loved the ride here. Little hills but amazing nature and cactus everywhere. Dry and dusty like everywhere here.

I checked into the airbnb, took a nap, and then headed to the kitesurfing school to go talk to someone. There were kites EVERYWHERE. It was unreal. Clearly a perfect place for doing it.

There was a spot right next door called El Tuna where I ate some of the best tacos ever. I sat next to this nice couple from Austin that had just taken some kitesurfing lessons and we chatted for quite a bit.

Amazing tacos at La Tuna

I then went back to the airbnb and got everything ready to go check out this hot spring on the north side of town. When I got there there was just some girl sitting in the hot spring and I asked her if it was hot. She said some of the little pools were. She warned me not to test this one pool because it was too hot. I did anyways and burned the shit out of my toe, so hot! I stayed there for about 3 hours and talked with her and we were both building this wall to try to keep the cold ocean water out of the pool we were in. She was traveling by van with her husband. It seemed like a pretty cool time. There was some huge van meetup nearby the week prior so there were vanners sprinkled around the whole area.


After it got dark I headed back and stopped at a grocery store and restaurant to get some more food. I ate the grouper and it was absolutely delicious. I’ll be back at that place.

Delicious Grouper

I’m now back at the airbnb and finished editing my mexico part 1 video! It’s not great, but I still like it.

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