Back in La Paz, Mexico after way too much airplane flying!
With just a week in La Paz I wanted to try to do all the things I meant to do before but was too lazy to do.
The first morning I woke up a little late, drank some tea, and eventually went out for some ceviche. I walked around after and went looking for a little beach near the ceviche place. I ran into some military dudes because I guess I accidentally stumbled onto a base. These military guys walked up to me right when I was going to fly my drone. They checked my ID and interrogated me for a few minutes and then walked me off the property. Thank God they somehow did not see the drone, as I started packing it up the second I saw them walking towards me.
I also met a ridiculously nice doggo that would come visit me every time it heard my engine and would run up wagging her tail. Eventually she started following me around town and I would buy her a taco each time I went out for tacos. But she would never eat it in front of me so I would have to put it down, walk away, and watch her eat it from afar.
I did a couple tours during my time in La Paz. The whale shark tour(I’ve never done one before) and a tour of Isla Espiritu Santo. They were both absolutely amazing experiences. The whale shark tour was more of a half day event and the Isla Espiritu Santo tour was a full day tour.
During the tour of Isla Espiritu Santo we took a ridiculously bumpy ride(the hardest boatride I’ve ever experienced) for an hour to cross. I think it seriously damaged my spine it was so rough. But once we crossed the water was nice and calm and we went up to a beach were you could see hundreds of sea turtles surfacing everywhere. It was really quite amazing and I jumped in 3 times to try to get a good video of them with no luck. Since it was quite cold it took hours for me to feel my hands again. But our next stop was a reeeeeally nice beach with a lot of sun where I sat in the sun for a while till my blood started to move again. We were then supposed to go further around the island to see the sea lions but they said that due to the sea conditions we would go to another area where there were sea lions.
It was a really amazing experience. We were swimming around and the sea lions just seemed to want to get away from us. It was a bit swarm of fat ones and I was the only one that could dive down. But as it was deep and dark I was pretty terrified. But I dove down with them and a couple came over to me and started to dance around me. One really pretty one. I’ll never forget that experience, it was absolutely thrilling.
While I was in La Paz I was also able to do one more thing. I drove out with my friend Adriana to Todos Santos to see THE Hotel California, which I actually had no clue existed until Adriana pointed it out to me. I had no idea it was a real place, much less that it resided in Mexico. I had actually driven out to Todos Santos purely on the suggestion of one of my pilot buddies that there was a place with good margaritas there.

During my time in La Paz I got 2 parking tickets! I’ve never gotten a parking ticket before in my life. Neither time I felt like I had done anything wrong and I was furious the 2nd time as it was in my driveway to the airbnb and I was hours away from trying to catch the ferry out of La Paz.