When I got off work in Barrow I took an Alaska flight to Anchorage and was delayed about 8 hours on a cargo flight destined for Cincinnati.

Upon reaching Cincinnati I headed to Atlanta where Delta does a lot of flying. Unfortunately, I was about 5 minutes late to check in to list jumpseat for the flight to Lima so the gate agent turned me down. I headed to the departures board and saw there was a flight leaving for Bogota in about an hour. I went to the gate, handed my badge over, and boarded with the other passengers a few minutes later. I sent a message to Bailey in Bogota and about 4.5 hours later I was there.

I reunited with Moe, Bailey, and Bailey’s girlfriend, Paula. I found out that I could not have arrived at a better time. The day after I arrived Rock al Parque began, a big rock festival in Parque Metropolitano Simon Bolivar. Outside the festival we ran into a few heavy rockers and we joined them to take a few shots and get properly oiled up for the festival. They were sharing some type of hard alcohol from Brazil that came in about a liter bottle that was shaped like a grenade and chased it with monster energy drink.

We saw about 5 different bands and most of them were heavy metal bands. Our rocker friends with their spiky jackets ran into the mosh pits swinging because that’s what you do when you’re at a metal concert. We watched them chug monster after monster until their eyes turned red and they must have liked Bailey and I because at the end they took a spike out of each of their jackets and offered them to us as a token of their friendship. I didn’t remember that I had the spike until it made a big clunk in the bin at airport security on my way to Peru.

I finished my third trip to Bogota by walking through the famous square, betting on some Guinea Pigs in the street and then saying till next time once again to Bailey and Paula.