Drive to Popoyo to Visit Friends – 20220925

After partying last night in Granada I felt beat this morning. So I had a slow morning. I showed the owners of Cueva Nica the 360 camera and they wanted a bunch of videos of the hostel. So they walked around for a long time with the camera filming.

I ate breakfast, drank a batido, and finally left around noonish for Popoyo. I was headed to Popoyo to visit Jordan, Carolina and their baby Amanecer. They had offered to host me when I met them in the mountains.

I arrived around 330 and got a little tour from Carolina. Then Jordan got back and we chatted a bunch. Mostly about what it’s like to be an Expat planning on living forever in a poor foreign country.

Sun setting in Popoyo

It’s nice to hang out with them but a little boring as they are in a different stage of life as me. I never know how to feel at these moments when I peak into other lives I could have. There’s a tiny bit of envy when I see a little happy family. It looks calm and relaxing but man I don’t know how I could deal with all the monotony and every day just feeling same same but different.

Amanecer, cutest baby ever

But I love their baby. Just the sweetest little happy thing. I mean just look at her.

Tomorrow Jordan and Carolina offered to show me around Popoyo a bit.

Managua to Leon! – 20220818

Today I checked out of the Airbnb in Managua and headed to Leon. The collectivo to Leon cost 78 córdobas($2) and I used Ray on my phone to grab a taxi which cost like 150($4) for the ride to the hostel from the station.

I’m staying at Poco a poco hostel which cost 32 per night for the private room. I got here, walked around, ate something, and ran into a free walking tour that happened to be going on right then.

The tour was fantastic. Maybe the best one I’ve ever gone on. The guy talked about the history of Leon and Nicaragua. How there were some great poets created here in Leon but enormous struggles for Nicaragua.

One of the most the things I found most interesting was the guide talked of how Nicaragua has always been in talks of creating a canal like the Panamá canal. Apparently China wants to build it. That would be a huge deal if they did. It would go straight through Ometepe.

Free Salsa night. But there weren’t even any chips

I then went to free salsa night at the hostel which was alright and went out with the hostel goers to a bar called geckos right nearby. It was loud music and we danced and drank some until around midnight when I called it a night.

Ride to Managua, the Big City – 20220812

Today I got up in Sebica and left around 11 am. It was a pretty nice and easy ride to Managua except that I didn’t have the helmet plastic or the sunglasses that could block the dust. So I teared up and blinked through dusty eyes the whole way.

I arrived around noon and are the best pollo asado I’ve ever had in my life and then headed to my airbnb.

I took a nap and then went to go eat and to the supermarket where I bought some fruits, yogurt, and wine. I need a few days of just rest and no driving and near death experiences.