Border Crossing – Nicaragua to Costa Rica 20221002

Another day. Another Central American border crossing. Got up in San Juan del sur and headed out. I was feeling itchy as I usually feel on border crossing day, like something will go wrong. I was mostly worried about the insurance which I most certainly did not have for a long while, and most certainly was supposed to have(it was impossible to renew online).

I headed towards the border but stopped at my favorite food place first where they have the most tender and garlicky chicken in the world and cheesecakeeeee. Nicafe.

The border crossing ended up being pretty simple. To leave Nicaragua they handed me an exit paper that I filled out and thank god they didn’t check insurance.

Then I went to the immigration building where I needed to get 3 signatures on that document. One from the aduana, one from aduana police and 1 from reg police or something like that. I just had to ask the baggage search lady to stop watching her marvel movie before she would sign the paper.

She grunted, asked me if I had a drone and told me to get lost. I ran into 2 nice Canadian guys that were crossing the border on motorcycles as well. I helped translate for them and basically just went through the whole process with them to help them out as they spoke no Spanish.

Make sure you get an exit stamp before you leave as they did not give me one, I forgot to check, and they gave me shit when I tried to leave out of the gate.

I then arrived at the CR side where you first need to get through the aduana. There was a big line and it took a bit of sweating to get through. The Canadian guys started telling some of their riding stories on their long road down and how they were headed for Lima while we waited in line.

They didn’t speak a lick of Spanish so I became their guide. After getting the entrance stamp we headed to a little hut where the lady wanted to see everything. License, title, registration passport and wanted a copy of everything.

She then made a document and stapled the copies to it and sent us down the road 100 meters to another aduana building. We entered and bought insurance. The minimum was 90 days and cost $34.

Then we had to walk outside to get a copy of the entrance stamp to Costa Rica. We handed everything again to the aduana guy and he gave us our 90 day temporary import permit

Once we got through the Canadian guys said they would follow me to the hostel I was staying at in Liberia, Costa Rica. A place that only costs $10 per night, Hostel Doredo. I knew 2 of my friends from Ometepe would be there so I wanted to head there. An hour of riding in the rain and we arrived soaking wet.

I found Rikke and Jonah and we went to eat some Pollolandia in town, the most typical Central American fried chicken place. It wasn’t as good as I was expecting. I had been seeing it for so long. There was no crunch at all in the breading.

We walked around Liberia and Costa Rican vibes began to set in. There’s clearly more money in Costa Rica. There’s international businesses on the street and people have nice things. It was clear we had left the more intense poverty of Nicaragua.

We then played monopoly go and other card games. Rikke trashed me at monopoly go time and time again. A great day full of great people!

Drive to Popoyo to Visit Friends – 20220925

After partying last night in Granada I felt beat this morning. So I had a slow morning. I showed the owners of Cueva Nica the 360 camera and they wanted a bunch of videos of the hostel. So they walked around for a long time with the camera filming.

I ate breakfast, drank a batido, and finally left around noonish for Popoyo. I was headed to Popoyo to visit Jordan, Carolina and their baby Amanecer. They had offered to host me when I met them in the mountains.

I arrived around 330 and got a little tour from Carolina. Then Jordan got back and we chatted a bunch. Mostly about what it’s like to be an Expat planning on living forever in a poor foreign country.

Sun setting in Popoyo

It’s nice to hang out with them but a little boring as they are in a different stage of life as me. I never know how to feel at these moments when I peak into other lives I could have. There’s a tiny bit of envy when I see a little happy family. It looks calm and relaxing but man I don’t know how I could deal with all the monotony and every day just feeling same same but different.

Amanecer, cutest baby ever

But I love their baby. Just the sweetest little happy thing. I mean just look at her.

Tomorrow Jordan and Carolina offered to show me around Popoyo a bit.

Wild Night in Granada, Nicaragua, Run in with a Prostitute- 20220924

I got back to Nicaragua 2 days ago. After relaxing a bit I headed towards Granada. The goal was to get out of Managua in the shortest time possible.

Granada is such a cute city compared to Managua. The market is sprawling and you can find almost anything there. I drove to a hostel called Nica Cueva where it costs $12 for a dorm and $20 for a private room. I stayed in the dorm and got it aaaaall to myself.

As soon as I arrived I headed out to do a little boat tour of the famous little islands there. There are somewhere around 700 islands there with a cool little old Spanish fort and a lot of rich people’s houses.

It cost me somewhere around $20 and my tour guide was clearly an alcoholic that reeked of booze, but a super nice guy who talked a lot about his family.

I got back to the hostel, sat for like 5 minutes and was invited by the owners(Jesse and her boyfriend) to a dance place. The yes man in me said yes immediately and then packed into the Uber with them where we ended up at a dance club place with a live band.

They clearly knew everyone there because everyone came up and introduced themselves to me. It was a fun time. Jessie would invite me, her boyfriend, and the little German dude up to dance once in a while so I got to work on my Latino dance moves a little bit.

We ordered bottles of rum as our ears slowly bled from the gain turned way too high.

We were good and tipsy when the band finally began to pack up and the band’s singer offered us a ride to some discoteca. We got into the band van, arrived at the discoteca, got a table in the back, and ordered more rum.

It got late and we left the bar and Jesse’s boyfriend got mad at some guy and swung at him. This guy had just been talking to me so I felt torn. I felt like they had both done me wrong. But the boyfriend went down the street to the hostel and me, Jesse, and the little German guy trailed behind.

We ended up at a convenience store and I saw a couple walk by and the girl gave me the strangest signal ever. I said something to them and she approached me and her boyfriend just kept walking ahead. I thought she had recognized me from the flight into Managua or something. Stupid me thought that her bf was abusing her and that she needed help. Stupid stupid me.

I have no idea what I was talking to her about but when Jesse turned around and saw me with her she exploded, “PUTA this, PUTA that.” And then it dawned on me that that girl was definitely a prostitute.

Jessie, who is a lot shorter than me exploded in this girls face as I stood with my mouth open watching her dig into this girl. She then grabbed me by my arm and with pure superhuman Latina strength pulled me all the way back to the hostel with the little German guy.

On the way back I saw the prostitute’s boyfriend and I was like, “dude! What happened to your girlfriend?” And he shrugged and said he had no idea who she was. I felt dumber than ever.

Anyways, we got back to the hostel where we reunited with Jesse’s boyfriend and I finally got some rest.

Thank god I always seem to have friends when I really need them