I woke up at Hotel La Esparanza and went to breakfast across the street at the recommended comedor. I ordered one desayunos tipico and sat at a table after saying buen provecho to everyone in the comedor as per Latino procedure and custom. Everyone immediately forgave me for being a gringo.
I sat and started going through my Spanish flashcards when I saw some people I recognized from the hotel walk in and sit at the table next to me. A young girl and a guy. I asked them where they were from assuming they were headed to the US like the woman I had talked to the night before and they said they were from Venezuela as well.
They repeated to me same story as the girl from the night before told me. That Venezuela is awful right now and the journey was tough and asking me how much people make per hour in the US. We chatted a little bit and then I got up and paid for myself and them. It cost me a whopping $4 for their entire bill but I knew how much a small act like that can raise the morale of a weary traveler.
I then packed my things and drove off to Tegucigalpa, the capital. I’m mostly just stalling as I’m not supposed to enter Nicaragua before the 1st due to some weird-*ss paperwork thing that you need to fill out at least a week prior to entry.
It was a pretty drive of deciduous trees and got a little chilly for the first time in a long while. I’m renting an Airbnb for about $30 per night and tomorrow I hope to clean the bike, get some oil for the filter, and explore just a little bit.