I had my last moments being a fancy boy in a fancy hotel, took a mirror selfie to show off the fanny pack and jumped on donkey to ride for San Cristobal de Las Casas.
Donkey is still a little wonky from the kid hitting me, and I should get it checked out, but I probz won’t for a while anyways.. It was only about an hour and a half ride but it was crazy foggy for much of it and the whole way I was climbing and there was a lot of construction.
San Cristobal is actually pretty high altitude, around 7000 feet, pretty much as high as my comfort level goes, but I think since I was just in Cusco for a while my body will be semi-acclimated.
My first impression of San Cristobal is that it is an incredibly nice old city built now for tourists. But it seems that almost all the tourists are Mexican. The vendors are a little aggressive, constantly bothering me while I’m sitting trying to eat.
The locals walk around with gold teeth and there’s tons of places selling sweets of all kinds. I wonder if there’s any connection(I found out later the average person in Chiapas drinks 2.1 liters of coca cola per day.)
All during the ride I saw a little girls carrying a huge load of logs right up a steep hills with a straps that go around their foreheads.
The hostel I’m staying at only cost $15 for a private room and it’s super nice. It’s called Posada de Abuelita and the front desk lady Nilly was super nice and showed me the amazing amount of public spaces throughout the hostel. It’s places like this that make me analyze places for future ideas if I ever get a house or open my own hostel or hotel.
I had nothing to do for the night so I found a free walking tour on guru where I met some pretty cool other travelers and had a cool guide named Ana.
On the tour we tried the local alcohol called Pox. It’s made of fermented corn and sugarcane and it’s actually really good.
After the tour we headed to a bar to see a little bit of live music. We got to see this guy absolutely shred this fiddle. I’ve never seen anyone so good who seemed to enjoy himself so much. He was hopping around the stage like a happy leprechaun the whole set.