How to Renew Moto Docs in Nicaragua(30 Day Extension) – 20220815

I went to the Aduana in Managua. I was a little nervous as my registration had already expired but I figured I would give it a shot anyways. I read that if I did not extend it it would cost $50 plus $1 per day after which actually did not seem that bad to me.

GPS Coordinates

DGA entrance: 12.151187054576848, -86.23322431085462

Bank for payment: 12.15115621136764, -86.23382223957317

I showed up to the Aduana, was forced to wash my hands, dry my hands on my muddy pants, and mask up. Then they took my passport and added my name to a list and told me to sit. My name was immediately called so I went to Escritorio #4.

Waiting a brief moment in the “DGA”

They only asked for my old import paperwork and passport. They then handed me a little slip of paper and told me to walk 30 meters down the road to the bank to pay $10 USD.

So I walked down, got doused in sanitizer, got told not to use my phone and had the bank lady ask me 10 questions all of which I didn’t hear a word of due to her mumbling, wearing a mask, and the thick wall of plastic between us. She just kept rolling her eyes and eventually figured it all out for herself as I walked out 10 dollars poorer but with a receipt.

Recibo en mano

I walked back to the aduana, was forced to wash my hands again, again dried my hands on my muddy unwashed pants now damp from multiple handwashings, and again they took my passport and told me to sit. They again immediately called me and I went to Escritorio #2.

He wanted the receipt, old paperwork, and passport. He called me up 3 times for random bits of info like where I was staying. He then told me to come back Wednesday at 2pm with the little slip of paper that he put in my passport. Why couldn’t I get the paperwork then? Who could ever know, you don’t ask questions about those kinds of things in Latin America. Maybe they were just out of printing paper.

Follow-up: I went back on Wednesday at 2pm and after washing my hands and then drying them on my now washed pants they promptly handed my 30 day motorcycle import extension. Woot.